On the Road to Sonar Bangla

Bangabandhu was the iconic warrior against repressors, unjust rulers, and exploiters. He symbolizes courage, kindness, and love for people of all castes, colours, and religions. The political vision of Bangabandhu encompassed prosperity, equality, and justice in building a land of peace in Bangladesh. Throughout his life, the man fought against discrimination and systematic exploitation by rulers and social elites. The vast soul father of the nation has passed away but left precious guidance, directives, and lessons for the young leaders who can materialize his dream – a true Sonar Bangla. His simplicity in leading life, trust in compatriots, and concern for the distressed are examples for every youth who aspires to lead Bangladesh. On the road to freedom from injustice, social inequality, and exploitation, Bangabandhu faced enormous hurdles inside and outside society. His lifelong dream of building Sonar Bangla passed through terrific struggle and setbacks at a time; however, he left ever-lasting ideology and guidance for future generations as precious directives to complete his unfinished task. On the path to peace, prosperity, and glorious Bangladesh, future leaders need a profound understanding of his spirit. Leaders need to assist mass people to be psychologically free from ill practices and devote themselves to collective prosperity. Through the biographic analysis technique, this epistle is focused on young leaders grasping Bangabandhu’s spirit and his dream of building a secured Sonar Bangla. 

Key Words: Bangabandhu, Spirit, Young Leaders, Sonar Bangla